Causes of Delirium

😵‍💫Delirium (not to be confused with dementia) is a temporary, serious alteration in mental state. Patients typically struggle with thinking clearly and have a reduced awareness of the environment. This state of confusion and disorientation typcally lasts hours to days, depending on the cause.  🤔 There are a variety of causes of delirium, ranging from … Continue reading Causes of Delirium

Reversible Causes of Cardiac Arrest

❤️‍🩹A cardiac arrest occurs due to a sudden loss of blood flow due to the heart being unable to pump effectively. Patients typically present with loss of consciousness and abnormal/absent breathing. They may experience chest pain, fatigue, dizziness and vomiting. It is important to recognise these symptoms quickly to administer basic life support, including CPR. … Continue reading Reversible Causes of Cardiac Arrest

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

🔥Hyperthyroidism, also known as an overactive thyroid, occurs when the thyroid releases high levels of thyroid hormone into the body. This results in an increased metabolism, causing a range of signs and symptoms.  💦 A useful mnemomic to remember the features of hyperthyroidism is 'SWEATING'. It stands for:  SweatingWeight lossEmotional labilityAppetite increasedTremor/ tachycardiaIntolerance of heat/ … Continue reading Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

Symptoms of Chronic Liver Disease

🍺 Chronic liver disease is any disease of the liver lasting over 6 months. There are a range of pathologies including liver cirrosis, cancer and inflammation. 🍷Some of the signs of chronic liver disease are associated with the disease itself, while others are associated with decompensation. Signs can be remembered using the mnemonic ABCDEFGHIJ, which … Continue reading Symptoms of Chronic Liver Disease


Definition Constellation of signs and symptoms caused by hypersecretion of GH in adultsExcess GH before puberty results in GIGANTISM Aetiology/Risk factors Most cases are caused by a GH-secreting pituitary adenomaRARELY caused by excess GHRH causing somatotroph hyperplasia from hypothalamic ganglioneuroma, bronchial carcinoid or pancreatic tumours  Epidemiology RARE (5/1,000,000)Age affected: 40-50 yrs  Presenting symptoms Very gradual progression of symptoms over many … Continue reading Acromegaly

Management of atrial fibrillation

🫀Atrial fibrillation is a common arrhythmia that can be identified on an ECG as an irregularly irregular narrow complex tachycardia with no P waves. There are three main aspects to managing atrial fibrillation:⁠ (1) rate control, (2) rhythm control and (3) stroke risk management⁠⁠ 🏃‍♂️Rate control is usually achieved by using beta-blockers (e.g. bisoprolol). ⁠⁠⁠⁠ … Continue reading Management of atrial fibrillation